Friday, June 23, 2006


A weekend at home - hooray!

It's been exactly a month since my last post - and I've been busy as shit since then. I broke two personal records this last month - my first 70+ hour week (74) and being at work each of the last 20 days. Sure, it's not really that many hours when you consider other occupations in IT (such as video game development) - but it certainly wore me out. I've also had around 15 migraines in the last month (two in the last four days) which isn't fun - especially when I'm also taking three tablets a day which are supposed to stop said migraines from occuring (all they seem to be doing is making me very tired).

But the project I've been working on went through it's final build today - and will be migrated to production on Monday afternoon - so I see it more as an unexpected weekend at home.

If you've got nothing to do this weekend - perhaps you have time to gaze in wonder at this cool optical illusion I stumbled across recently.

1. Stare at the picture below for about 30 seconds, keeping your focus on the small cross in the middle of the picture.

2. Keep staring at the cross while placing your mouse over the picture. The picture will change. After a few seconds - look around at the rest of the picture (i.e. don't keep staring at the cross).

By the way - this won't work if you have javascript disabled in your browser.

When you mouse over the image - the wierd coloured one is replaced by a grayscale image. Because you were just staring at the negative image - the grayscale one should have appeared coloured. If it didn't look very good - you can try the original.

The original site also has a short tutorial on how to make these. Unfortunately I don't have Photoshop (only Paint.NET) - so I don't think mine turned out very good.

Pretty cool trick though.

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